PENTIUM LEAP VENTURES LTD. in partnership with PRIME SOURCES LIMITED for treatment of various waste. And BST for exploration, borehole rigs and High pressure valves, flanges, spades & accessories
The operatingcharacteristics of the thermal plant was also designed to accept apart from hydrocarbon contaminants, but also materials contaminated with coal tar constituents such as PAHs, phenols and pesticides including DDA, DDE and DDT.
The facility has been designed to ensure that oil is recovered from the waste while the solids are recovered as fine dusts.
The thermal plant was designed to ensure that air and noise emissions comply with regulatory limits. The process outputs are recorded graphically and tabulated on hourly basis on magnetic copy and a paper copy is produced for each 12-hour operational shift. The stack of the plant is fitted with catalytic bead filters to effectively remove particulates and metals from being emitted in the stack gases. The stack height is 12m above grade.